6 Health & Wellness Email Examples [That You Must Send]

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The health and wellness industry is serious business. And much of that business is moving online. According to Statista, “in 2021, online health and personal care product sales in the United States grew 30.8 percent following the 28.5 percent market growth of 2020.”

Gone are the days of going into some intimidating specialty store to find personal care products. Instead, more and more people are researching and shopping from the comfort (and privacy) of their homes.

If you’re part of this booming industry, you’re well aware of how competitive it can be. One of the best ways to survive in a competitive industry is to build a loyal customer base. And one of the best ways to build a loyal customer base is to personally engage through owned channels like email and SMS.

This article will share the six essential emails every health & wellness store needs to send. Then, we’ll share six health & wellness email examples to inspire your next campaign.

6 Essential Health & Wellness Emails

  • The Welcome Email. Subscribers don’t want to be just another name on a list. They want to be a part of something. They want to join a tribe. Welcome new subscribers into your tribe with a well-branded welcome email. Use this opportunity to showcase what makes your products unique and how they will help change the world for the better.
  • The Exclusive Offer. One of the perks of being a member of a tribe is the exclusive benefits. So reward your loyal subscribers by periodically sending them an exclusive offer. This could mean early access to a new product, a discount, or an invitation to a super-secret pop-up event!
  • The Abandoned Cart. We say this all the time, and we’ll say it again: every online store NEEDS an abandoned cart message. You’re leaving tons of money on the table if you don’t.
  • The Post-Purchase Followup. No one likes to feel used. If you don’t follow up with a customer after they purchase, you could leave your customers feeling like a one-night stand. Make them feel valued by asking about their experience.
  • The Reorder. For example, if you sell a 30-day supply of acne medication, set up an automated journey that reminds customers to reorder after three weeks. Better yet, set up a subscription program so reorders process automatically!
  • The Winback. A winback campaign is an effort to bring former customers back to your store. You worked hard to get them to purchase in the first place—don’t let them leave so quickly.

Health & Wellness Email Examples

Now, let’s look at what leaders in the health and wellness industry send.

Welcome Email: Welcome to goop

Health & wellness email examples from goop.

Goop is infamous for its unique product line, but you have to respect their welcome email regardless of what you think of the brand. First off, it makes you feel like your joining a club. Second, they have a letter from their founder (who wouldn’t want to receive an email from Gwyneth Paltrow?). And finally, it provides a list of promises and attributes so you can get a better idea of what you can expect.

Exclusive Offer: We’ll make it easy for you

Health & wellness email example from Ritual.

We love how this exclusive offer email from Ritual demonstrates empathy–they understand that taking the plunge with a new brand takes time. This approach is instrumental in the wellness industry, where people might be wary of so-called “snake oil” salesmen.

Abandoned Cart: Quick heads up

Health & wellness email example from Headspace.

Headspace’s marketing is fantastic. They’ve made something intimidating (mediating) feel approachable, and that’s not an easy feat.

We like their abandoned cart email because of how well it matches their brand and product. Instead of inviting chaos, they show empathy by acknowledging that distractions or completely normal. 

Key takeaway: If your wellness brand is focused on tranquility, your marketing emails should match.

Post Purchase: While you wait for your order…

Health & wellness email example from blume.

This post-purchase email from Blume is excellent because it works to keep customers engaged while they wait for their order to be delivered. Inviting purchasers to follow them on Instagram dramatically increases their chances of creating loyal followers.

And as a bonus, did you know that post-purchase emails like this can help reduce canceled orders?

Reorder: Refill your prescription form…

Health & wellness reorder email example

This reorder email from Fullscript does a great job, starting with the subject line. By mentioning the doctor, the email immediately demonstrates the expertise and authority of the brand. Next, we like how the CTAs are unmistakable.

For emails like abandoned carts and reorders, making your CTAs stand out is essential.

Winback: Come back to get your custom plan for up to 90% Off

Health & wellness winback email

We’re willing to bet this winback campaign from Noom is highly effective. Why? Because it both motivates and incentivizes. It motivates by telling customers not to be defeated, and it incentives with a massive 90% discount. What could be better than that?



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